Omni-808 Test Kit is a free set of patches for Omnisphere that combines pristine, vintage 808 samples with massive, modern synth bass.
Happy 8/08 Day 2020!
This free download contains 6 patches and 4 Soundsources from the upcoming Omni-808 library.
Omni-808 is a hybrid instrument built for modern music production. The front end of these 808s is old school, brought to you by Soundsources created from our 24/96kHz deep-sampled Preservation Series 808 library. This pristine, punchy, REAL 808 attack is then combined with layers of synth bass and processing to form the ultimate blend of classic drum machine meets modern synth bass.
Want more 808s? Get Round Robin 808 R&D, or go all out with Preservation Series 808.
Presets & Articulations
- BD T10 D20 808 Test Kit
- Robo Dojo 808 Test Kit
- Sine Shaper 808 Test Kit
- Subzz Glideszz 808 Test Kit
- Neon Drum 808 Test Kit
- Clean Tape 808 Test Kit
System Requirements
- Omnisphere Soundsources v2.6.1c
- Omisphere 2.6.3c (sold separately by Spectrasonics)